Huwebes, Pebrero 21, 2013

Table that creates a playground within a room

Do you want to put some fun into a boring office business meeting or add a little extra excitement into mealtimes? Christopher Duffy creative design called "Swing Table" is the way to go for anyone who wants to add fun and excitement while eating their meals at home or in the boardroom for a business meeting. Duffy show his creativeness by hanging eight chairs that sway playfully into a four-poster table with a lampshade suspended on the central part of the structure. This design creates an exceptional fun, creating a playground within a room.

The out of the box design by Duffy will definitely the center of attraction and talk of any room. It will surely make business meeting not boring anymore and bring a whole new different experience to your friends and families while eating their meals.

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The Swing Table by Christopher Duffy is created from powder-coated steel and walnut. Swinging chair can carry up to 250 lbs of weight making it safe to use for anyone not exceeding that maximum weight limit.